The show’s two plots involve Mac and Charlie trying to exonerate Luther, and Frank, Dennis, and Dee convincing Bill to stick around.
Meanwhile, Bill Ponderosa, wearing a tuxedo, shows up to Paddy’s Pub announcing his intention to drink himself to death. I mean, a sub-sub-plot of this episode is that ferry boat captains are ramming their ships into power plants for no special reason, and that dark little nugget doesn’t eve make the top 15!īefore we get into the darkest moments, here’s a brief plot recap: Mac’s dad Luther is accused of decapitating a man with a stop sign, and is now in prison facing the death penalty. I love the It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia gang for their complete refusal to produce uplifting content, and I love the unrelenting darkness, but last night’s episode, “Mac Kills His Father,” might have been the most disturbing, least redemptive of them all…and that’s really saying something.